Author: Carl

Chillin’ Underwater

Care for a swim?



Paul, what are you doing?


You aren’t a Spiderman, Paul.   

Not the most comfortable sleep, but it’ll do. G’nite!

Valheim Plus – Custom Config

Recommended for gameplay on our V+ server.

Valheim Plus+ Download Link:



Download the latest V+ client

Download the latest Valheim Plus .zip from the link above.

Locate your game folder

Locate your game folder manually or start your Steam client and right-click the Valheim game.

You can then right-click the game in your library and select
Manage -> browse local files
for Steam to open your game folder.

Unpack the files

Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip file into the game folder you have located.

If you are asked if you want to overwrite files, always press yes.